Learn how to reprogram your mind through the one on one sessions
and constant support of Kartika Dubey, certified Life Coach
(Youtube - Expand Love).
She can help you with releasing fear, anxiety and depression.
She also helps with achieving goals such as self love,
good relationships, peaceful state of mind, motivation etc.

Discover how to untangle your mind, enhance, self worth, reprogram your mind patterns, upgrade your subconscious mind, achieve your goals, release anxiety & fears, create good health & relationships & stay connected to your inner guide.

Sonia Mahi, 3D Visualizer
Hi , I went through a very depressed stage in my life,and dance therapy was one way which helped me alot.I never knew simple dance movements could bring peace to my mind and brightened my days.It helped me let go of the stress and really calm my heart and mind.I am very thankful to Kartika , she is an amazing person. She is such a delightful person that no one can feel depressed after meeting her.I definitely recommend her . She is very good at her work.

Reet, Student
So, its been more than a month that I am doing affirmations and listening to the tape and I can say that I can feel some changes in me like I am more calm and less panicky now. There are no sleepless nights and it has also increased my level of patience. Unfortunately, i couldn't catch up with fasting but that too I will try doing
I also want to thank you for bringing out these changes in me and helping me to be a better version of myself, the aim I had when I first interacted with you. Please keep doing what you are doing because you are really superb in it.
Lots of love.

Adamya, Engineer
You are amazing.
I feel myself blessed to have sessions with you, such an amazing and charming your aura is.
Ain't I'm new to meditation and mindfulness, but when I attended your session immediately after the class ended, I felt a new sense of balance and stability in my normally runaway mind.
After several weeks of regular practice, I am pleased to confirm that I am still capable of managing new challenges.
I find that when my inner and outer worlds are in sync, the intrinsic goodness of life is more available for my appreciation.
I feel much more lighter than before.
P.S I've lost some kgs too..
The sessions include powerful breathing exercises, meditation, affirmations, nutrition, movement therapy, self hypnosis, releasing fears and traumas, subconcious mind reprogramming and energy tapping techniques. The price for the monthly program is Rs 7900.
You'll master skills and methods like getting answers from your intuition, becoming more present, eliminating energy blocks, self-healing, connecting with your guides, improving relationships, attracting synchronicity — and more.
Through theses sessions, you’ll even discover how to heal others, your family and free them from their blocks. So you will not only transform your own health and happiness, you’ll help others to live amazing lives too. We believe this program is a guaranteed way to “flip” your life from one of struggle, stress, and frustration... into a fresh new place of inner confidence, healing, prosperity, and joy.
There has never been a better time to open up to this Quest and Kartika believes people are ready. They know there has to be a amazing and easier way to live.
Maybe you feel this too?
Once we rejuvenate our inner self our life starts to flow and flourish. Everything that we experience is a result of our inner state. Our reality is the exact mirror of our state of consciousness and mind. Through the sessions one can get the power of their mind and create peace, good relationships, a successful career and good health.
The sessions focus on :
Training the subconscious & conscious mind by breathing, self hypnosis, affirmations and meditation techniques.